Overmental - Overdrive


It is designed to emulate the sound of a vintage tube amp, and can be used to add some warmth, grit, and overdrive to your guitar tone.
One of the standout features of the OVERMENTAL is its versatility.
It has a wide range of gain settings, from mild overdrive to heavy distortion, and can be used to add some crunch to your clean tone, or to push your already distorted sound into new territories. The tone control is also very effective, allowing you to shape your sound from bright and cutting to warm and rounded.
Another great feature of the OVERMENTAL is its clarity. Even at high gain settings, each note rings out clearly and articulately. The pedal also responds very well to dynamics, allowing you to control the amount of overdrive with your playing style.

The bass can also be reinforced, with an established setting, and another that can be chosen by the user (Mysterium mode).

Finally, it has a voltage selector always connected to 9v. If increased to 18v, it will achieve an overdrive with a different character for the more “sensitive” ear. It has much more definition in the medium/high gain settings.



Input impedance: 500kΩ
Output impedance: 10kΩ
Input-output Jack: ¼ in
Power supply: 9V DC (Negative Center)
DC Jack: 2.1mm
Power consumption: 5mA (9V)
Packaging dimensions: 4.9" x 3" x 2.5" (125x78x63)mm
Weight: 0.94lb (425g)


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